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Have snow, will sled!


Trail Status
Trails Close 3/31/25   

Last Groomed

Base Snow

Report Date

Heading 2



March 10, 2025





8:00 A.M.

The Vilas County snowmobile trails and routes will temporarily close on March 11, 2025, at 8:00 a.m. The warm weather and high traffic since the latest snowfall have taken its toll with many areas showing bare ground and pavement. This was not an easy decision for the Vilas County Snowmobile Alliance members to make. If weather conditions change and trails are deemed safe, trails may be reopened. Just a reminder, all snowmobile trails will close for the season on Monday, March 31, 2025.

For current conditions and local club updates, please visit their websites and follow them on social media.

For more information, please contact Todd Bierman at: or call

(715) 479-5160


Todd Bierman

Vilas County Parks and Recreation Supervisor




Trail Report, Sunday 3/9/25


Currently 52 and sunny skies in MW. 

Beautiful day but I'm sure trails are taking a Major hit! Great to have the trails opened this weekend, thank you to all that enjoyed the trails in the MW area over the weekend! The local businesses thank you so much for your support all winter!

Stayed tuned for updates.

Again, thank you!


Groomer Benny



Trail Report, Friday 3/7/25


Trails reopen today at 8 a.m.  

Please ride safe, stay on right side of trail! Trails should be a good condition overall, especially early today!  

A big thank to the dozens of volunteers in the 11 clubs in vilas county that made this reopen possible! Enjoy this bonus weekend of riding!  


Groomer Benny and the Sno-Skeeters are happy to have you on the trails!


Vilas County Trails - Reopen  - March 7, 2025  8:00 A.M.




Sunday report, 2/23/25:


Good afternoon! Warmer temperatures have put our grooming operations on hold! But don't worry it's not over yet! Now is the time of the season were a rider needs to get creative! Plan the ride out, avoid road routes late in the day, stay in the woods! More importantly, map your route to a favorite local establishment. Thank the staff and have a great time!


Let's hope we get a few more weekends! Enjoy it while you can! We will do all we can to keep the season alive! Thank you for your support.


Stay safe if you're going for a ride!


Groomer Benny





Trail Report, Thursday (9 pm) 2/20:


I have reports back tonight from two riders that trails are in good shape in MW. Report that trail 2 is in very good condition! Light snowfall has kept things white! Yes, you will find thin spots and icy corners! I know my Reports have been very similar all season, but we are very lucky with the lack of snow that the trails are holding up! Remember, get on the trails early in the day and you will enjoy the efforts of our groomer drivers. Grooming nightly continues! 


Thank you all who came to the Rustic Roadhaus tonight for the spaghetti dinner! Huge Thank You to Kurt and Julie Rustic Owners!  We sure appreciate your support!


Get out and ride and enjoy! Ride safe as always! Thank you for your support!

Groomer Benny 

Thank you to Andy and Chris for updates on trails today!




Trail Report, Monday 2/17:


Thanks to our Tucker dealer,  Track Inc, we have a loaner Tucker!!  

We are back out grooming nightly as of last night.  The whole system was groomed Sunday night and is in good condition overall!  The weekend snowfall did help!  But it was a very dry fluffy snow, so we could use more!  Trails should be nice all week!  Cold -11 currently.  Enjoy weekday riding if you can! 


Thank you all who attended, donated,  and volunteered at our Winterfest Rendezvous on Saturday!  It was a great event and we Thank You for supporting our Club!


Groomer Benny




Trail Report, Sat. 2/15 late evening:


Parts of our trail system were groomed Saturday morning! Halfway through Cutter Bob's run the Tucker suffered major mechanical issues as the fan assembly broke loose! So our machine is down. We are counting on a loaner by Tuesday. So we are unable to groom our system for a few days.


Thanks to all who attended the Rendezvous!  Great fun had by all.


We will keep you updated!


Groomer Benny




Trail Report, Thursday, 2/13


Cold temperatures, -19 Tues morning, have helped to keep the trails in good shape for weekday riding! A big weekend coming up, the Winterfest Rendezvous is this Saturday 2/15 @ the Groomer Barn in Manitowish Waters! Also we draw at 6pm for the 25 Arctic Cat snowmobile! Food, dozens of raffle prizes, groomer rides. We look forward to seeing you there this Saturday!

Please safe, ride right and ride sober!  This will be a busy weekend!  


Groomer Benny


Trail Report, Monday, 2/10. 

*** Winterfest Rendezvous this Saturday, 2/15 @ the Groomer Barn! ***


All Trails were groomed overnight and continue to be groomed 7 nights a week! Trails are flat with a thin base. Trails remain the same, fair with several areas in good shape! The cold week ahead will help trails hold up, but we could use snow! Just not much to work with! Weekday riding will be ideal!

We hope to see you Saturday at Winterfest! Thank you again for your support!


Please ride with extreme caution, stay on the Right Side of the trail! Corners are icy, so slow down!


Thanks, Groomer Benny




Trail Report, Friday 2/7/27:

Good morning, short and sweet update... all trails have been groomed overnight. Trail base is extremely thin and dirt is showing through. Trails are flat as a board! So get out now for smooth trails! Not much snow for the huge bumps to form!

Enjoy the ride, be safe, be courteous!


Groomer Benny



Trail Report, Thursday 2/6:


Snow is falling, only an inch or so but hopefully more on Saturday. This snow will help. Most riders are saying Trails in MW are in good condition. So let's say they are good with some spots fair. We are grooming nightly. I believe Cutter Bob will be in the machine late Friday night. Please ride safe, it's very busy with lots of sleds here all week long. We appreciate your support! Hope to see you Sunday at the Pea Patch breakfast at 8 am.


Groomer Benny


Trail Report, Monday 2/3:


All Skeeter trails were groomed Sunday night. Trails are in fair condition. The base is very thin, but trails are flat. Dirt is showing through especially on trail 6. Corners remain thin and icy, but conditions are holding together fairly well with the lack of snow.

Only about 2 inches over the weekend and no snow last night. We need snow.

Forecasts have been really over estimating totals! So let's hope more is on the way soon. 

Weekday riding should remain in fair condition with less traffic. Please remember to ride safe, ride right and be respectful of other riders and landowners!


 Groomer Benny




Trail Report.  Sunday 02/02:

We received some needed snow overnight and more is predicted for the week.

Trails are good and being groomed each night.  

Come to Skeeter Breakfast next Sunday, Feb. 9th at the Pea Patch.  Barry will be cooking!


Enjoy the trails and stay safe,




Trail Report. Saturday 02/01:

Cutter Bob was out grooming overnight and said trails are in pretty good condition! It's another busy weekend out there! Please ride safe!


​Groomer Benny


Trail Report. Wednesday 1/29:


All Trails were groomed last night with the exception of 8 east (Trail along hwy 51 from Powell rd south to the Rustic Roadhaus).

Trails should be flat and in good condition. Just a dusting of snow overnight.

Trails are thin! 

Stay safe, ride right, ride sober. Please be respectful of riders and land owners!


Groomer Benny



Trail Report,  1/28:


I rode the whole MW trail system today. Trail 6 is very thin and in poor condition (only a 3.1 mile Trail) those of you that ride this area know that trail 6 takes a beating. All other trails were in overall good condition as of 2pm today. Again, the base is thin and the current temperature is 37. As far as snowfall in the last 24 hours, about 10 flakes have come down.

No, we did not get snow yet. Maybe tonight, I'm not sure.

We will do all we can! Thank you!

Please ride safe, ride right and always stay sober.


Groomer Benny



Trail Report, 1/26:


The entire MW Skeeters trail system has been groomed as of Sunday night. All Trails are flat with a thin base in spots. Corners remain icy. But I'm going to update conditions from fair to good overall! The trails are covered with snow. Yes, you will see some leaves, sticks and rocks! But the trails are definitely rideable. Please remember we are doing the best we can! Thank you to about 6 riders that yelled, "Thank you" to me tonight! That certainly is appreciated! Enjoy some weekday riding, I personally will say that trails in mw are in good condition as of Monday morning.

The forecast is calling for anywhere from 1 to 3 to 3 to 5 over the next few days! I'm not a weather man, but let's hope for any accumulation!

Please always ride safe, ride right and by all means, ride Sober!


Groomer Benny


Saturday 1/25 Trail Report:

All Trails in MW system groomed overnight and remain in fair condition. Please see Report from the one and only, back by popular demand... Cutter Bob!  


Groomer Benny


Trail Report - January 24, 2025


The MW trail system was groomed last night. Trails are flat and hard packed. Some icy conditions still remain, especially in corners!


Please remember to ride safe!


Ride on the Right Side, Be Courteous to all Riders.


Groomer Benny










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a TRAIL CAM image!

Trail Passes and Weather Reports

To get your trail pass, click on the link below to register online at the AWSC website, OR open and print this PDF and mail your registration and check directly to the AWSC. TIP: when you become a Sno-Skeeter member HERE, you save $20 on each trail pass! 




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